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Almamy KONTE

Maître de Confèrences titulaire

Recherche, Encadrement et Distinctions

  • [CHAPITRE D'OUVRAGE] UNESCO Science Report: the race against time for smarter development - West Africa chapter

    UNESCO, Rang 2, 30 pages, 2021

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] COVID-19 propagation mathematical modeling: the case of Senegal

    1, Rang 3, 2020

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Evaluating Public Policies in Africa: insights from the Science, Technology, and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024 (STISA-2024)

    1, Rang 3, 2018

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Innovation for Development in West Africa: Challenges for Promoting ST&I Policy

    1, United Nations University, Rang 2, 2018

  • [CHAPITRE D'OUVRAGE] Innovation Policy and the Informal Economy: Toward a New Policy Framework,

    Cambridge University press , Rang 2, 40 pages, 2016

  • [CHAPITRE D'OUVRAGE] Unesco Science Report: Towards 2030

    UNESCO, Rang 3, 28 pages, 2015

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] The informal ICT sector and innovation processes in Senegal

    1, Rang 1, 62-98, 2012

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] The informal ICT sector and innovation processes in Senegal

    1, Rang 1, 1-42, 2012

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Nonresonant Cross-Section, Fano-Shape Parameter and Correlation Coefficient for the Photoionization of 2s2p(1P°)

    1, Hindawi , Rang 4, 1 - 6 , 2011

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Investigation of 2snp±1,3Po resonances of two-electron systems using the screening constant by unit nuclear charge method

    1, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Rang 2, 2008

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Energy levels in the resonant photoionization of heliumlike Ne8+

    1, American Physical Society, Rang 3, 2007

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Energies and interelectronic angle in doubly excited 1Se states of helium-like ions below the N=2, 3 and 4 hydrogenic thresholds

    1, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Rang 1, 605-613, 2006

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Analysis of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Spectra in Some Tropical Plants

    1, Springer, Rang 2, 123–129, 2005

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Calculations of Doubly Excited 1Po, 1De, 1Fo, 1Ge, 1Ho Intrashell States of Helium Sequence using Special Forms of Hylleraas-Type Wave Functions

    1, IOP Publishing Ltd, Rang 2, 2005

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Photoionization Energies and Oscillator Strengths of Helium and Helium-Like Ions with Z = 6–8

    1, IOP Publishing Ltd, Rang 3, 602To - 610, 2005

Expériences et Diplômes

Du 19-06-2012 Au 12-05-2020: Contractuel
Expert principal en politique d'innovation à l'Union africaine Union Africaine, Malabo
Du 02-05-2000 Au 30-01-2009: Permanent
Enseignant-chercheur Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis
Du 01-10-1994 Au 31-07-2000: Contractuel
Enseignant vacataire UCAD
Du 15-11-1983 Au 31-07-1991: Contractuel
Enseignant Cote d'Ivoire
Nomination le 01-03-2016 : Maître de Confèrences titulaire
Echelon 2, Sans Classe
Nomination le 01-02-2009 : Maitre Assistant
Echelon 2, Deuxiéme Classe
2000 : Mention TRESHONORABLE
Sciences Physiques
Dakar, Sénégal

1994 : Mention BIEN
Diplôme d'Etudes Approndies
Energie solaire
Dakar, Sénégal

1983 : Mention BIEN
Diplôme de Maîtrise
Physique appliquée
Dakar, Sénégal

1982 : Mention PASSABLE
Diplôme de Licence
Sciences Physiques
Dakar, Sénégal