Catalogue des Publications

  • Ndèye Arame BOYE
    [Article] Analysis of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Spectra in Some Tropical Plants

    Journal of Fluorescence , Springer, Rang 5, 123–129, 2005

  • Mamadi BIAYE
    [Article] Analysis of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Spectra in Some Tropical Plants

    Journal of Fluorescence , Springer, Rang 3, 123–129, 2005

  • Ababacar Sadikhe NDAO
    [Article] Analysis of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Spectra in Some Tropical Plants

    Journal of Fluorescence , Springer, Rang 1, 123–129, 2005

  • Papa Moctar FAYE
    [Article] Morbi-mortalité en milieu hospitalier pédiatrique dakarois (Sénégal)

    Archives de pédiatrie, Elsevier Masson France , Français, Rang 3, 1772–1778, 2005

  • Almamy KONTE
    [Article] Analysis of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Spectra in Some Tropical Plants

    Journal of Fluorescence , Springer, Rang 2, 123–129, 2005

  • Ababacar Sadikhe NDAO
    [Article] Calculations of Doubly Excited 1Po, 1De, 1Fo, 1Ge, 1Ho Intrashell States of Helium Sequence using Special Forms of Hylleraas-Type Wave Functions

    Physica Scripta, IOP Publishing Ltd, Rang 3, 2005

  • Modou GUEYE
    [Communication] C1. Les facteurs associés à la mortalité précoce des malades en situation d’urgence au service de pédiatrie du CHU de Dakar.

    Congrès international avec acte, 2005

  • Mamadi BIAYE
    [Article] Calculations of Doubly Excited 1Po, 1De, 1Fo, 1Ge, 1Ho Intrashell States of Helium Sequence using Special Forms of Hylleraas-Type Wave Functions

    Physica Scripta, IOP Publishing Ltd, Rang 1, 2005

  • Almamy KONTE
    [Article] Calculations of Doubly Excited 1Po, 1De, 1Fo, 1Ge, 1Ho Intrashell States of Helium Sequence using Special Forms of Hylleraas-Type Wave Functions

    Physica Scripta, IOP Publishing Ltd, Rang 2, 2005

  • Malick DIOUF
    [Article] Two new species of Nippostrongylinae (Nematoda, Trichostrongylina, Heligmonellidae), coparasites of Mastomys natalensis (Muridae, Murinae) from Benin

    Zoosystema, Laurence Benichou, Anglais, Rang 1, 27-35 , 2005