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Omar Ngor THIAM

Professeur assimilé

Recherche, Encadrement et Distinctions

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Numerical Study of Natural Air Convection in a Domain Bounded by Two Rectangular Parallelepipeds of Square Straight Sections for Ra =106 for a Value of the Hartmann Number Ha = 0.75

    1, Rang 2, 1841-1843, 2023

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Cfd analysis of an unsteady air mixed convection in a u-shaped channel

    1, Rang 1, 11-17, 2023

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Numerical study of unsteady air flows in a countercurrent heat exchanger

    1, Rang 1, 053-065, 2023

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Numerical study of the influence of the Rayleigh number on the natural convection of the confined air between two square cavities

    1, Rang 2, 86-92, 2022

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Numerical study of forced convection of air in a u-shaped cavity

    1, Rang 1, 928-935, 2022

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Numerical study of the dynamic and thermal behavior of two flows of a fluid in a heat exchanger

    1, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, Rang 1, 2022

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Study of the temperature distribution in a parabolic cylindrical concentratorusing a nanofluid as heat transfer fluid

    1, Rang 1, 687-694, 2022

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Numerical modeling of the magneto convection of a Newtonian fluid confined between two vertically eccentric hemispheres

    1, Rang 3, 893–907, 2022

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] CFD modeling of the optimization of a ventilation system in asquare enclosure with two inlets

    1, Rang 1, 1305-1312, 2022

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Numerical simulation of magnetic field effect in hemodynamic flow in left coronary artery obstructed before the bifurcation

    1, Rang 5, 061-068, 2021

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Unsteady Natural Convection between Two Eccentric Hemispheres

    1, Rang 3, 177-189, 2021

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Drying Kinetic Cassava with Solar Dryer Forced Convection Indirect

    1, Scholars Middle East Publisher, Rang 2, 25-29, 2020

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Heat and mass transfers at the interface of a paraboloidal cavity filled with water in forced convection

    1, Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences (JCBPS), Rang 2, 085-097, 2020

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Numerical study of the effect of a magnetic field generated by two symmetric magnets on the airflow in a parallelepipedic duct

    1, Rang 2, 117-126, 2020

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Study digital temperature in the chamber drying

    1, Rang 3, 127-137, 2020

Expériences et Diplômes

Nomination le 01-10-2019 : Maître de Confèrences titulaire
Echelon 1, Sans Classe
Nomination le 02-02-2018 : Maître de Confèrences assimilé
Echelon 2, Sans Classe
Nomination le 01-02-2017 : Maître de Confèrences assimilé
Stagiaire, Sans Classe
2015 : Mention TRESHONORABLE
Docteur en Physique (Mécanique des Fluides et Applications)
Faculté des Sciences et Techniques/Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Sénégal

2009 : Mention BIEN
Diplôme d'Etudes Approndies
DEA d'Hydraulique et Mécanique des Fluides
Faculté des Sciences et Techniques/Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Sénégal

2007 : Mention ASSEZBIEN
"Maîtrise :Physique Appliquée
Faculté des Sciences et Techniques/Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Diplôme de Maîtrise

2006 : Mention PASSABLE
Diplôme de Licence
Licence Physique et Chimie
Faculté des Sciences et Techniques/Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Sénégal

2002 : Mention PASSABLE
Baccalauréat Sciences experimentales
Faculté des Sciences et Techniques/Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Sénégal