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Samba DIA

Maître de Confèrences titulaire

Recherche, Encadrement et Distinctions

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Study of the temperature distribution in a parabolic cylindrical concentratorusing a nanofluid as heat transfer fluid

    1, Rang 2, 687-694, 2022

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Numerical simulation of the natural, forced and mixed convection in a tunnel with a flat track of sinusoidal shape and a roof opening

    1, E3S Web of Conferences, Rang 4, 2019

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Free convection in a Porous Square Enclosure With Localized Sinusuidally Varying Temperature Profile On the Bottom Wall

    1, B.D. Indu, Anglais, Rang 3, 162-170, 2017

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Numerical Study of Natural Convectionin a Porous Square Enclosure with Sinusoidally Temperature Profile on The Bottom Wall

    1, Heuy-Dong Kim, Anglais, Rang 2, 263-275, 2017

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Numerical study of the Steady Natural Convection inside an Enclosure delimited by a Cylindrical Parabolas and a Plane surface: Influence of the slope angle

    1, QingHua Qin, Anglais, Rang 2, 36-42, 2015

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Design and Experimental Study of an Indirect Solar Drier at Forced Convection

    1, QuingHua Qin, Anglais, Rang 2, 43-48, 2015

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Study of the natural convection of a newtonian fluid in a porous medium confined in portions of cylinders

    1, Dr. Gerard G. Dumancas, Anglais, Rang 2, 597-602, 2015

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] ’Numerical study of the Steady Natural Convection inside an Enclosure delimited by a Cylindrical horizontal Parabolas and a Plane surface: Influence of the slope angle

    1, Prof Qinghua Qin, Anglais, Rang 2, 36-42, 2015

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Influence of the Slope Angle on the Transient Natural Convection of a Newtonian Fluid Delimited by Portions of Cylinders

    1, Ethirajan Rathakrishnan, Anglais, Rang 2, 437-444, 2014

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Study of the Transient Natural Convection of a Newtonian Fluid inside an Enclosure Delimited by Portions of Cylinders, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

    1, Dr. Gerard G. Dumancas, Anglais, Rang 2, 3069-3074, 2014

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Description of the profile of temperature in an indirect solar dryer application in the drying of the ‘’niebe’’

    1, Prof Qinghua QIN, Anglais, Rang 3, 123-128, 2014

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Effects of the heater location on the unsteady two dimensional natural convection in enclosures bounded by two paraboloids of revolution

    1, Mohamed Seddeek, Anglais, Rang 1, 49-57, 2013

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Numerical study of unsteady Rayleigh-Benard instabilities in a Newtonian fluid confined in an enclosure bounded by two paraboloidal surfaces differentially heated, International

    1, Prof. Sanjay Misra, Anglais, Rang 1, 1001 - 1009, 2012

  • [ARTICLE - REVUE] Effects of the heated surface on the unsteady two dimensional natural convection in enclosures bounded by two paraboloids of revolution

    1, Ethirajan Rathakrishnan, Anglais, Rang 1, 384-391, 2012

Expériences et Diplômes

Nomination le 01-10-2021 : Maître de Confèrences titulaire
Echelon 1, Sans Classe
Nomination le 01-04-2019 : Maître de Confèrences assimilé
Echelon 3, Sans Classe
Nomination le 01-10-2017 : Maître de Confèrences assimilé
Echelon 2, Sans Classe
Nomination le 01-10-2016 : Maître de Confèrences assimilé
Stagiaire, Sans Classe
2013 :
Mécanique des Fluides et Applications
université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Sénégal

2009 :
Diplôme de Master
Mécanique des Fluides et Applications
université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Sénégal

2008 :
Diplôme de Maîtrise
Physique Appliquée
université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Sénégal

2007 :
Diplôme de Licence
physique chimie
université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Sénégal

2002 :
S2: sciences expérimentales
université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Sénégal