Catalogue des Publications

  • Fatou CISSE
    Evaluation de la taxe sur le carbone au Sénégal

    Rang 1,

  • Samuel Maxime COLY
    Evaluation de la taxe sur le carbone au Sénégal

  • Faguèye NDIAYE
    [Article] Application of the p-Median Problem in School Allocation

  • Abel SAMBOU
    [Article] Influence of Dust Deposition on the Electrical Parameters of Silicon-Based Solar Panels Installed in Senegal (Dakar Region)

    Research Journal of Applied Sciences Engineering and Technology, Rang 3,

  • Indou DEME
    [Article] P85. Les manifestations dermatologiques des déficits immunitaires primitifs sur peau foncée à Dakar

  • Faguèye NDIAYE
    [Communication] On solvability of type Pompeiu-Schiffer’s conjectures and consequence

    International Congress of Mathematics 2018, Rio de Janeiro / Brésil, du 01 au 09 août 2018., Rang 2,

  • Serigne Bira GUEYE
    [Article] Patch Antenna Gain Improvement with Metamaterials

    Rang 2,

  • Moulaye DIAGNE
    [Article] Influence of Dust Deposition on the Electrical Parameters of Silicon-Based Solar Panels Installed in Senegal (Dakar Region)

    Research Journal of Applied Sciences Engineering and Technology,

  • Lamine THIAW
    [Communication] BESS deployment and Virtual Power Plant: Technical and financial analysis of the Senelec network to assess the relevance

    IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid (icSmartGrid), Istanbul, Rang 5,

  • Abel SAMBOU
    [Article] Optical Properties of Nano-structured Silica Coated Silver Particles

    International Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Rang 1, 38-45,